Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Valentines Message from me to you

Dear Loved Ones,
God has given me a deep abiding Valentine message for you--repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This is God's love; therefore, it's the greatest and most loving thing I can say and do for each person I meet this day and every day. Let's be people in mission until all worship! Share the indescribable gift of Jesus Christ with all you know and join me in praying this prayer to God: "God, please break my heart for the things that break your heart. Please Lord, give me a deeper passion for the Harvest. Lord, I surrender all rights to my life and ask that you use me to reach the lost wherever and whenever you say. I am yours. I give you all my love and devotion and ask that you empower me to share your love with all I meet. In Jesus' name. Amen"
Let the radical life begin...
Now, join me in praying hard for God to move deeply in people's hearts. Pray for God to bring His Spirit of conviction of sin so that people will be broken by God and start weeping over their sins, start confessing their sins to God and to one another, and repent from the ways of the kingdom of the world to the ways of the Kingdom of God! Pray for spiritual victories and for the Spirit of God to have great victories in our midst through healings, deliverances, miracles, signs and wonders! Pray for a break of strong holds in our church, our community, our nation, our world, and in each person's hearts (may we see person after person become broken for God's full usage!). May we change our minds (repent) about the ways of the world and be Romans 12:1-8 people. May we be Galatians 2:20 people. May we be 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 people. May we be men and women with hearts after God's heart and fulfill His purpose in our generations. May we be 1 Thessalonians 5:17 people!!!
God is moving deeply in my heart... thank you Jesus! Please pray with me and for me brothers and sisters. Let's hold one another accountable to the John 15 life. Let's abide in Christ together.
With the imperfect love of a sinner saved by grace, Happy Valentine's Day!