Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whose story is it anyways?

God has a plan! God is telling His story and when we become a Christian we are invited to become a part of His story. But, so often we do the opposite: we accept Jesus and think that He is now a part of our story and then we get bent out of shape and struggle with our faith because God's not "on board" with our plans and not doing what we want Him to do. In actuality, we treat Him like a cosmic vending machine thinking if we've done enough prayers or good works then we deserve (entitlement issues!!!) to get what we ask for!

Friends, we are a part of God's story! When we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts then we are born again; born out of sin and darkness and into the marvelous light of the Word of God, Jesus Christ! We are born out of our selfish ego-centric story into God's selfless Christ-centric story. We are transported from a world of "what about me?" to "what about God?" We are invited to become a part of His Epic Narrative!

It is my prayer that as we are transported into God's story that we will truly listen to the One who is the Author and Perfector of the Story! Daily humility and obedience is necessary for us to be completed in His Joy. I pray that we each will listen to the story that He is telling...Lord, give us ears to hear and eyes to see what you are doing in our midst in our generation! Show us your glory Lord...and may our daily prayer be, "teach me to seek first the Kingdom of God and to live a righteous life with God."

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